sharon's paradise planet tour

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Danum Valley

We went from Sepilok to the Danum Valley Field Center which is set up
as a research station in one of the largest regions of untouched lowland
jungle in the state. It's not open to tourists so I pulled some strings and modified our backgrounds just slightly. Our first night there we're hanging out in the common area and two gentlemen come up to us, including the director of the facility. Eventually a couple other scientists come over and join in on the conversation. One of them was very outspoken about logging and rainforest destruction and he complained that most of the public outcry over rainforest destruction is about the Amazon and that there is very little voice for the rainforests of malaysia. Our conversation was interupted by a bearded pig that was grazing just below the deck on which we were talking. Daniel and I went for a short night hike and saw a pygmy squirrel, some butterflies, some deer and another small mammal that we couldn't identify. During our hike the next day we saw some red leaf monkeys, an incredible horned frog, many specimens of both species of terrestrial leech (tiger and brown), and we heard an elephant huffing behind nearby foliage!