sharon's paradise planet tour

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Dad and I, in Bangok, after we finished our days in the beach town of Hua-Hin. It's less trashy than Patong in Phuket, and the seafood is pretty darn good, admittedly. But I'm not accustomed to staking my claim admist a sea of beach umbrellas and speedos, or having vendors coming up to me selling everything shy of sex on the beach. Granted, it's nice not to have to get up to clean your feet of sand, get a massage, get a drink, or coconut, or doughnut, or fried shrimp, but come on!

We had a good time, though. And both escaped burns, but only because we spent all of our days, with the exception of a few hours the first day, underneath an umbrella, sipping our coconut drinks and heading out to the bay, to wade amidst upturned dead jellyfish on occasion. Pretty nice beach days, all in all.