sharon's paradise planet tour

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lovely day

After leaving the park we headed back to town where we needed to catch a bus to Semporna. Daniel and I were sitting at the outdoor bus depot when this 8-year old girl came near us and watched us. She was clearly intrigued by us, but she was careful to avoid looking at us directly, and when I smiled to make contact, she blushed and looked away. She was selling sunflower seeds and cigarettes (I know, but thank God women don't smoke in Malaysia, so hopefully it won't trigger a habit). I called her over to us and taught her how to play tic-tac-toe. Then I busted out with a new pack of cards (first use) and Daniel and I taught her to
play go fish. A couple of her friends came over and one of them was brave enough to play a few hands with us. The Malays sat nearby chuckling at the scene. Despite the language barrier, the girls loved the game, and our favorite girl, the 8-year old, got such a kick out of saying "go fish"!